Exercise Caption Text

 Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Caption Text 


1. What kind of caption is in the picture?

a. Group Identification bar

b. Summary

c. Cutline

d. Expanded

e. quote

Answer: B 

2. What is the function of the caption?

a. To make the picture look beautiful

b. To give description more detail of the picture

c. To tell about who was the viewer of the picture

d. To explain how beautiful the flowers are

e. To make readers see the beautiful flowers 

          Answer: B

3. According to the caption on the picture, when was the photo taken?

a. July 19 2018

b. February 1 2017

c. May 3, 2019

d. December 7 2015

e. August 15 2014

          Answer: C 

4. Where was the location in the picture?

a. Central Park

b. Garden

c. Floristry

d. Central Kiev

e. Reuter

          Answer: D 

5. What does “Bloomed” mean?

a. blossom

b. wither

c. wilt

d. droop

e. decay

          Answer: A


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