Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Hello all! ✨ I will introduce myself. My name is Febi Andilla, I'm from class XII IPS 1, school at SMAN 27 Jakarta, located in Mardani.
I was born on January 30, 2003, now I am 17 years old. I am an only child.
a little story about my hobby, I really like traditional dance. because in my opinion Indonesian culture must be preserved and maintained as well as possible. Since I was in elementary school, I have been pursuing my hobby and taking part in every competition. I love the diversity of Indonesian culture
Maybe that's all I can tell about myself, more or less apologize. See you on the next blog💕🌼.
do as a sample in handout.. make an interesting one..
BalasHapusPretty one ♡
BalasHapushello febi
BalasHapusHelo, good luck
BalasHapusnice intro babe💫