
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2020

How To Use

 How To Use A Cash Deposit Machine To Deposit Money   To deposit your cash money in a Cash Deposit Machines (CDM), you need to prepare the followings: 1. Cash Deposit Machines (CDM) 2. Bank Account 3. Automated Teller Machines (ATM) Card   There are few steps to deposit cash money in CDM as follows: First, insert your ATM card into CDM machine. Second, select any language you want. Third, enter your pin number. And then, from the main menu select “Deposit” option. Next, you have to select “Cash Deposit” option. After that, select “Savings” or “Current” type of Account. Next, press “Confirm” from the menu to make sure that you will not deposit more than 200 notes. After that, place your cash money in the cash dispenser machine and the machine may take time to validate the cash. Then, the screen will display the denomination and here you can see the summary of how many notes you enter. Finally, click on “Confirm” to finish your transaction.

How To make

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb  How To Make Fried Rice  Ingredients (Bahan bahan): 1 plate of White rice (satu piring nasi putih) 2 Eggs (2telur) Tea spoon of Salt (garam satu sendok teh) 2 cloves of Onions (bawang putih 2 siung) 3 cloves of Garlic (bawang merah 3 siung) 1/2 stick of Leeks (setengah batang perai) Chili (cabe) Pepper (lada) Cooking oil (minyak goreng) Tomato sauce (saus tomat) complementary material (bahan tambahan) Tools (Peralatan) Frying pan (wajan) Stove (kompor) Spoon (sendok) Spatula (Spatula) Plate (Piring) Step How to Make Fried Rice : Prepare a frying pan and pour the cooking oil according to your taste (Persiapkan wajan dan tuangkan minyak makan berdasarkan seleramu)  Heat the frying pan by using a medium flame (Panaskan wajan dengan api sed...

Procedure text how to do

 Assalamualaikum  Wr. Wb 🔸Definition of Procedure Text There are three definition about procedure text : (1)Texts that explain how something works or how to use instruction / operation manuals e.g. how to use the video, the computer, the tape recorder, the photocopier, the fax. (2) Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity e.g. recipes, rules for games, science experiments, road safety rules. (3) Texts that deal with human behavior, e.g how to live happily, how to succeed 🔹Generic Structure of Procedure Text Goal : (e.g : How to make spaghetti) Material or Ingredient : (e.g : the material to cook omelette are egg, onion, vegetable oil, etc. ) Step : (e.g : first, wash the tomatoes, onion, …., second cut the onions becomes slice. . . ) ✨Purpose of Procedure Text To explain/tell (the reader) how to make/operate/do something through a sequence of actions or steps. To explain steps/instruction to make/operate/do something 🌙Language Feature of Procedure Text: Use adver...